Replace Paper Tags with Smart Tags
BitRip digitally tracks fire extinguisher locations and keeps your inspection results organized, paperless, and ready for audit.
Even better - these smart tags work on anything in addition to fire extinguishers.
Forklifts, ladders, harnesses, heavy machinery and more. If it needs inspecting and tracking, BitRip has you covered. And these smart tags are so simple to setup.
How it Works
We call these smart tags - BR Codes™. ​​
Peel any BR Code off a roll. Each one has a unique pattern on it that works like a dynamic QR Code. Think of each tag as the asset's one-of-a-kind fingerprint.
Stick it to the asset you need to track - such as a fire extinguisher.
Scan to activate it with the Free BitRip app.
In that instant, the smart tag records its location so you can track it on a map. Every new scan updates the location.
Using your free trial on BitRip Pro, you can attach any type of inspection to this asset, so it immediately appears when you scan it.
Now you are off to the races! Any user scans the label and fills out the inspection. And the results get saved and stored to your inspection library.

What you Get.
Accountability of where your fire extinguishers are on a real-time map, so you never lose track of your fire safety assets.
All inspection results organized in a secure, central database, so you're never having to forage thru paperwork looking for inspection documentation.
Immediate alerts when inspections fail. You'll know where the failed inspections happen, on which extinguishers, and who reported it.
Versatility! Once you get this working for your fire extinguishers, you'll start using it on everything. In other words, extinguishers are just the tip of the iceburg!
A 10x Less Expensive Safety Tool
Graham Construction knew they needed a safety tracking solution that vastly improved upon the old fashioned "pen & paper" way of doing things, but everything on the market cost too much money, and required too much time to set up, train and maintain.
They needed a simple and affordable system that tracked their extinguishers, as well as other inspectable items such as harnesses, ladders, fall protection, eye wash stations, hazardous materials, and more.
They searched for months, until they landed upon BitRip - a 10x less expensive solution that ensured safety was getting done the right way and at the right price. Here's the top three reasons why BitRip stuck out to them.
1. BitRip takes minute to learn. No need to take hours away from an already busy crew to learn a new safety tool. The crew were told to download the free app, and then scan over the tag on the extinguisher. As soon as they did, the inspection appeared. They filled it out using easy-to-use drop-down menus and radio buttons. This is a far easier and more accurate way vs. having to manually write in the inspection results.
2. No more pencil whipping! Safety serves a purpose. If folks start pencil whipping inspections just to make everything 'appear' safe, everyone loses in the end. With BitRip, the scan of an extinguisher records the user, location, and timestamp of the inspection, as well as presenting an easy-to-follow checklist highlighting the right steps. This is a great security measure to ensure things are getting done the right way.
3. No setup fees or paying for extra users. Graham had a big issue with needing to spend thousands to onboard, train, setup as well as pay for each additional user. That last part almost served as a deterrent to getting more people doing safe things on the jobsite. What stuck out for Graham was the fact that the BitRip mobile app is free, and BitRip charges no setup fees. On top of that, we import all your data and set up your BitRip asset tracking system free of charge - because we know how much you'll love it. Click here to get a Free Setup.​​

Smart Tags do so much more for Fire Safety.
Fire Prevention involves a heck of a lot more than just having fire extinguishers placed in the right spots and properly inspected. There are a ton of fire prevention systems to include passive ones such as firestop penetrations.
A major international airport in the Midwest decided BitRip's digital inspection tags were the perfect way to track and document thousands of Firestop penetrations across multiple terminals.
As Ian McDonald, a Firestop safety consultant, inspected these penetrations, he could easy upload and turnover this data to the airport owners. Similar to the way fire extinguishers are handled, the airport can see all these safety tags on a live map, and quickly zoom in and dig into the data behind each penetration.
Three big takeaways.
1. Inspection information is always secure and accessible. No longer are reports and documentation stuffed in a cabinet drawer of a safety office. Instead, they are secured in the cloud and pinned to the actual piece of equipment via the scannable label. The inspector just scans the label and immediately sees the inspection data tied to that specific equipment or location. Back in the office, managers can zoom in on an interactive map, click open the equipment or location, and see the same data that's on the label.
2. Real-time updates made from anywhere. Paperwork is inefficient. When information updates, paperwork must get replaced manually. This means a lot of travelling out to sites to remove and replace documentation. BitRip, however, allows you to change out information on the label through the app - no matter where you are. This means you can always rest easy knowing the right information is always tied to the right location.
3. Instant Alerts when problems arise. If an extinguisher fails an inspection, or a penetration has a discrepancy, it might be days before you know about it. Then comes the challenge of locating that issue to resolve it. With BitRip, when issues arise, the phone in your pocket buzzes and emails get blasted to designated people. You can immediately tap open the issue, know all the details, and navigate to its location on a map. Every second counts when it comes to fire safety - and BitRip provides that. ​​